
In order to carry out test transaction on TBSP, be sure that you are connected to test environment through transaction application.

If you use MTS trading application (MTS is TBSP trading system provider) you should check: General Settings -> Connection (Direct) -> Test

Member using other application should contact with appropriate provider to configurate test environment.

The Access Points configuration:

Front End 1
Front End 2
Front End 3
Front End 4

Next you should report your readiness to conclude test transactions to the following address bnr@bondspot.pl. Information must be submitted no later than one day before the planned tests.

If the Participant wants to test the entire path of concluding and then clearing/settlement of transactions, then the Participant must additionally:

1. Report to BondSpot correct number of test clearing/settlement account (the number should be agreed with KDPW_CCP). Such accounts may be assigned to a participant or to a dealer short code.
2. Agreed with KDPW_CCP number of test environment (TSTA or TSTB).
3. In the case of treasury bills - report to BondSpot correct number of test settlement account (the number should be agreed with NBP)