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Opening value:
Value: 2001.94
Change: -2.38 (-0.12%)
Closing value:
Value: 2003.15
Change: -1.17 (-0.06%)
see details >

DEVELIA S.A. - change of the abbreviated names bonds traded in the Alternative Trading System

Please be informed that due to the change of the company name LC CORP S.A. to DEVELIA S.A. as of 24 September 2019 the following series of bonds will be traded  in the abbreviated names:

a) bearer bonds series LCC005200320 coded PLLCCRP00074 as DVL0320
b) bearer bonds series LCC006100521 and LCC007100521 coded  PLLCCRP00082 as DVL0521
c) bearer bonds series LCC008061021 and LCC009061021 coded  PLLCCRP00108 as DVL1021
d) bearer bonds series LCC010050622 coded PLLCCRP00124 as DVL0622
e) bearer bonds series LCC011280222 coded PLLCCRP00132 as DVL0222
f) bearer bonds series LCC191020OZ1 coded PLLCCRP00140 as DVL1020
g) bearer bonds series LCC191022OZ2 coded PLLCCRP00157 as DVL1022