Opening value: | |
Value: | 2039.37 |
Change: | -0.94 (-0.05%) |
Closing value: | |
Value: | 2042.19 |
Change: | +1.88 (+0.09%) |
2024-01-04 Termination of trading on the regulated market BondSpot (Catalyst) in series G12 290625 bearer bonds issued by GMINA MIASTO ELBLĄG.
Please be informed that due to redemption, bonds series G12 290625 of the Gminę Miasto Elbląg marked with a code PL0017200078, pursuant to §24 subpara. 2 of the Rules on the regulated organized by BondSpot S.A., trading in these bonds was completed on the regulated market on Catalyst.
2024-01-02 Termination of trading on the Alternative Trading System (Catalyst) in series B bearer bonds of Grenevia S.A.
Please be inform that due to the early redemption of series B bonds of Grenevia S.A. marked with the common code PLFAMUR00053, pursuant to §14d section 2 of the Regulations of the Alternative Trading System organized by BondSpot S.A., trading in these bonds in the Alternative Trading System on Catalyst ended.
2023-12-28 Amendment the Treasury BondSpot Poland Market Rules
Please be informed that Treasury BondSpot Poland Market Rules have been changed by the Management Board of BondSpot S.A.:
2023-12-20 Change of the nominal value bonds issued by GMINA MIASTO WŁOCŁAWEK
Please be informed that as of 21st December 2023 nominal value of one bond series WCL1225 issued by GMINA MIASTO WŁOCŁAWEK, according to which transactions will be concluded in the regulated market organized by BondSpot S.A. is 400 PLN.
2023-12-18 Change of the nominal value bonds issued by WOJEWÓDZTWO OPOLSKIE
Please be informed that as of 19 December 2023 nominal value of one bond series WOP1225 issued by WOJEWÓDZTWO OPOLSKIE, according to which transactions will be concluded in the regulated market organized by BondSpot S.A. is 4625 PLN.
2023-12-14 BondSpot SA - market closed on the following days
Please be reminded, that Treasury BondSpot Poland market will be CLOSED on the following days
2023-12-12 Change of the trading day time on December 29, 2023 on the BondSpot Regulated Market and the Alternative Trading System.
Please by informed that in connection with this Accounting Day Schedule incorporated on December 29, 2023 in KDPW S.A., the Management Board of BondSpot S.A. decided to change the Trading Day Schedules for that day on the BondSpot Regulated Market and in the Alternative Trading System.
2023-12-12 Treasury BondSpot Poland: 29 December 2023 - Repo Market (T+0) - Cut off Time 11:45 AM
Please be informed that Trading Day Schedule for conditional (Repo, BSB/SBS) transaction, which are settled in T+O deadline on Treasury BondSpot Poland market will be changed on 29 December 2023.
2023-12-12 Suspension from trading bonds issued by GMINA MIASTO ELBLĄG on the regulated market organized by BondSpot.
Please be informed that, at the request of the GMINA MIASTO ELBLĄG to suspend trading in bearer bonds series ELB G12 290625, marked with ISIN code PL0017200078, the suspension of trading in bonds on the BondSpot regulated market has been decided as of December 15, 2023.
2023-12-12 Suspension of trading in the alternative trading system on Catalyst in series B bearer bonds of GRENEVIA S.A.
Please by informed that at the request of GRENEVIA S.A. for suspension of trading in series B bearer bonds marked with ISIN code PLFAMUR00053, a resolution was adopted to suspend trading in these bonds in the alternative trading system on Catalyst from December 18, 2023.